Lib module Dynamic: bug in instances for tuples
Joost Visser
Mon, 06 May 2002 19:54:06 +0200
The library module Dynamic provides instances of the Typeable class for
various datatypes, among which tuples of various lengths. These
instances are incorrect, as demonstrated by the following snippet:
Dynamic> (typeOf (True,False)) == ((\(Dynamic t _) -> t) (toDyn
In other words, the type representation produced via the "typeOf" member
is not equal to the type representation produced via the function
"toDyn". This is wrong. As a result, casting back and forth to the type
Dynamic fails:
Dynamic> fromDynamic (toDyn (True,False)) :: Maybe (Bool,Bool)
The error is caused by the nested definition of tup2Tc in the following
instance declaration:
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (a,b) where
typeOf tu = mkAppTy tup2Tc [typeOf (fst tu), typeOf (snd tu)]
fst :: (a,b) -> a
fst = undefined
snd :: (a,b) -> b
snd = undefined
tup2Tc = mkTyCon ","
If tup2Tc is made top-level, the error vanishes. Likewise for longer
The reason that TyCons must be defined top-level is that they are
shared, so they can be mapped onto Ints and compared efficiently. When
defined nested inside the instance declaration, this sharing apparently
Joost Visser
PS: I'm using hugs98-Dec2001.