FFI testers wanted

Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
09 Jul 2002 22:36:46 +0100

Alistair Cloete <acloete@dlemma.org> writes:
> Hello, I tried the seond test release
> (hugs98-ffi-09072002b-src.tar.gz) on Mac OS X 10.1.5 with the April
> 2002 Developer Tools.  [...]
> I've attached a patch for these bugs, and after applying
> this patch I could successfully build and test Hugs.

Wow, that's great.  Thank you!

I've committed your patch to the repository and added your success to


[I'll hold off on building another tarfile until tomorrow - 3 snapshots
in one day is a bit much...]

Alastair Reid                 alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited  http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/