FFI testers wanted

Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
09 Jul 2002 14:12:48 +0100

>    * The test for byacc still contains == instead of =.  

Fixed in the repository

>    * HUGS_TRY_DYNLINK("-r") was commented out.

Ooops.  My CVS snapshots have one changce from the CVS contents: I
enable some untested flag options which are not enabled in the
repository.  I forgot to uncomment it in this release.
I added -r to the repository copy and in 


and quietly changed the link on the reports page to point here.

Hopefully it works now.

> With these changes, only Sin.hs fails.

Cool.  Thanks again.

Alastair Reid                 alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited  http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/