Running xemacs from Hugs under Windows

Sigbjorn Finne
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 15:35:53 -0800

Here's some examples of how to configure Hugs to
use an editor whose filepath contain spaces:

* from within Hugs:

    Prelude> :set -E"\"c:\\Program Files\\winedt\\winedt\""

* from the (cmd.exe) command-line:

   d:\tmp> hugs  -E"\"c:\Program Files\winedt\winedt\""

* from the (bash) command-line:

   foo$ hugs -E"\"c:\Program Files\winedt\winedt\""

* via the EDITOR environment variable (cmd.exe):

   d:\tmp> set EDITOR="c:\Program Files\winedt\winedt"
   d:\tmp> hugs

* via the EDITOR environment variable (bash):

   foo$ export EDITOR="\"c:\\Program Files\\winedt\\winedt\""
   foo$ hugs

Looks simple enough, but it can be a trying experience to go through
the trial-and-error of figuring out just what kind of quoting does work.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Philip Wadler" <>
To: "Sigbjorn Finne" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2001 08:29
Subject: Re: Running xemacs from Hugs under Windows 

> Thanks!  That fixes it, but raises a new problem.
> The place where my xemacs binary lives is:
>   C:\Program Files\XEmacs\XEmacs-21.4.5\i586-pc-win32\xemacs.exe
> What is the right way to enter this as a string literal so Hugs98
> can process it?  I am guessing that I double the backslashes, but
> how do I escape the space so Hugs will recognize a single file name?
> (Sorry to bug you with this simple stuff.)
> Many thanks,   -- P