Downloading Hugs
Andrew Rock
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:47:21 +1000
On Tuesday, August 27, 2002, at 11:01 AM, Alastair Reid wrote:
> I can't quite tell from your reports whether this is a problem with:
> 1) Upgrading OS (but not Hugs) makes Hugs not work
> 2) A binary package of Hugs doesn't work with upgraded OS
> 3) The standard source package worked with the old OS version but not
> the new OS version
> I think it's one of the first 2. That being so, maybe you can fix it
> by installing the standard source package (grab the 'unix' source
> package from and follow the instructions in
> hugs98/Install - less than 5 minutes if you have gzip and GNU tar
> installed already). That should keep you going until the package
> maintainer gets things sorted out.
Thanks. It was case 2. Hugs is now running on Jaguar.
I'm sure recompiling GHC will be the solution there too, but
I've never been able to get that to compile cleanly on anything
other than a Sun.
Andrew Rock -- --
School of Computing and Information Technology
Griffith University -- Nathan, Brisbane, Queensland 4111, Australia