module namespaces with "Prelude"

Johan Nordlander
Thu, 25 Apr 2002 10:02:43 +0200

On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 03:00 , Alastair Reid wrote:

>> Now, since there's nothing that prevents the directory hierarchies
>> starting at these roots from overlapping, we have a potential for
>> ambiguity when we want to map module names to filenames.
> This suggests that we might want to modify the search algorithm to
> find all matches and report and error if two or more candidate files
> are found.  If this is a big performance hit, we could make it a :set
> option.

But wouldn't that just prohibit the use of module names that 
also appear in the standard libraries?  At least we need to stop 
searching the directory of the importing module to make 
something useful of this idea.

-- Johan