AGAIN Hugs98 under Linux

Martin Schwenke Martin Schwenke" <
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 09:39:45 +1100

>>>>> "Nickolay" == Nickolay Kolev <> writes:

    Nickolay> I tried by compiling Hugs98 under Suse 7.3 to run configure with
    Nickolay> --with-readline

    Nickolay> but among the appearing messages was warning: readline
    Nickolay> and editline pacakges not available (ignoring
    Nickolay> --with-readline).

It could be that you have the SuSE readline package installed but not
the readline-devel package.  If so, configure won't be able to find
the includes or the library needed by the linker.  I think you need to
have readline-devel installed (and probably the ncurses and termcap
development libraries too?)...

peace & happiness,