Need help
Shirley Widyaningsih
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 20:23:04 -0700 (PDT)
Dear sir,
I'm a beginner in Haskell, i already bought a book
about Haskell but unfortunetly it doesn't run well. My
Haskell version is 1.4 and the prompt sign is
prelude>, when i set the interpreter option, i made
some mistake <i think>, i don't know how come my
search pat setting become
-P" {Hugs}\\lib;{Hugs}\\lib\\hugs;{hugs}\\lib\\exts;
{hugs}\\lib\\win 32 "
before i change the setting of the interpreter,when i
type :? or PutStr "Hello" it run well, except when i
type square 2, there're an error message
Error- unable to defined "square"
But now after i change the interpreter option at
search path, every command that i typed will display
an error message
Prelude> putStr "Hello"
Reading file "assessed":
ERROR assessed - Unable to open file "assessed"
So what should i do ? i already try to change my
search path to the current setting.
My current search path setting is:
-P"{Hugs}\\lib;{Hugs}\\lib\\hugs;{Hugs}\\lib\\win 32"
I alredy try to ctrl+c at the current setting and then
ctrl+v at the search path setting but when i type :s,
my search path setting will become:
-P" {Hugs}\\lib;{Hugs}\\lib\\hugs;{hugs}\\lib\\exts;
{hugs}\\lib\\win 32 " in my terminal display screen.
And from that i know, that when i type \ on the search
path, it'll display \\ on the current setting display
<after i type :s on the terminal display>.
I will give you all my current setting to make it
Current settings: +fewuiA -stgl.qQkR -h250000 -p%s>
-r$$ -c40
Search path : -P"
b\\win32 "
Editor setting : -EC:\WINDOWS\notepad.exe
Preprocessor : -F
Compatibility : Haskell 98 (+98)
Please, could you help me ?
Thanks and looking forward for your answer.
Sincerely yours,
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