":load System" in mac version of Hugs Feb 2001

Hans Aberg haberg@matematik.su.se
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 12:13:08 +0100

At 10:58 +0100 2001/02/23, Kristofer Johannisson wrote:
>the macintosh version of Hugs 98 February 2001 gives me an error when I type
>":load System":
>Prelude> :load System
>Reading file "System":
>ERROR System:1 - Syntax error in declaration (unexpected symbol "d1")
>Note that it works OK if you type ":load System.hs":

Yes, I have noticed that problem, and the thing is that none of us (me and
Pablo) could figure out why! :-)

-- One explanation could be that for some reason, Hugs tries to read the
MacOS system file, which on all Mac's is named "System", in which case it
would read some strange garbage.

But since there was no obvious immediate fix, and that one can load using
the full name "System.hs", I guess we will have to live with the problem.

  Hans Aberg
                  * Email: Hans Aberg <mailto:haberg@member.ams.org>
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