January beta Observe infinite dictionary bug

Patrik Jansson patrikj@cs.chalmers.se
Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:17:21 +0100 (MET)

-- Bug report for Hugs Version Jan 2001 beta
--  (on SunOS 5.7 Generic_106541-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10)
import Observe
g p = (>p)

main = observe "hej" g 4 3
Gives an ugly infinite report starting with

  { \ 4  -> flip (default_comparexn (Make.Ord primCmpInteger
(default_compare (Make.Ord primCmpInteger (default_compare (Make.Ord

It also pollutes some state somewhere (when I break it with Ctrl-C)
because a following

observe "haj" "Patrik"

produces the same infinite garbage relating to the "hej" observation.

This is a minimalistic example, I ran into it in much bigger programs
(read PolyP) wither other kinds of overloading.

I would guess it has to do with presenting dictionary values.

/Patrik Jansson

PS. I quite like observe when it works.