error reporting for qualified fields

Iavor S. Diatchki
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 09:01:52 -0700


i seem to have stumbled onto a bug in the error reporting part of
hugs.  here is an example:

[diatchki@limit Modules]$ cat hugsbug2.hs 
data T = T

bug = T { X.missing = 1 }
[diatchki@limit Modules]$ hugs hugsbug2.hs 
__   __ __  __  ____   ___      _________________________________________
||   || ||  || ||  || ||__      Hugs 98: Based on the Haskell 98 standard
||___|| ||__|| ||__||  __||     Copyright (c) 1994-2001
||---||         ___||           World Wide Web:
||   ||                         Report bugs to:
||   || Version: February 2001  _________________________________________

Haskell 98 mode: Restart with command line option -98 to enable extensions

Reading file "/usr/share/hugs/lib/Prelude.hs":
Reading file "hugsbug2.hs":
Dependency analysis
ERROR hugsbug2.hs:3 - "d119392" is not a selector function/field name
Prelude> :q
[Leaving Hugs]

it seems to only happen when one uses qualified field names. if the
field name is not qualified the correct error is reported.
