
Ryszard Kubiak
Sun, 22 Apr 2001 23:41:59 +0200

Thank you for your answer, Alastair:

> The online library report at calls it isAlphaNum (not
> isAlphanum) so it looks as though Hugs is correct.

I've just checked that the name isAlphanum was used in older versions
of Haskell and Hugs while Haskell 98 introduces isAlphaNum. It's time
for me to remove the old versions of Prelude.hs from my computer!

There are, however, pieces of Haskell software around where the old
name is used. One example is the Regexp library by Meurig Sage. I will
write him about it. Another example is section 9.1 of online Hugs 98

Best Regards,