Closed out some errors in the testsuite

Alastair Reid
Sat, 21 Apr 2001 14:03:26 -0600 (MDT)

[For the benefit of those not on the cvs-hugs list]

I've closed out all errors reported by the testsuite except those
mentioned in the previous 2 bug reports by the simple expedient of
deciding that Hugs was behaving correctly in all cases and updating
the expected output files accordingly.  

One of the suspicious behaviours I decided to accept is, perhaps, a
little controversial: the builtin printer prefixes data constructor
names with the name of the type that the constructor belongs to.  This
shows up in error messages and if you turn off "use 'show' to display
  Prelude> case Just 'a' of { Nothing -> 'b' }
  Program error: {v1294 (Maybe_Just 'a')}
  Prelude> :set -u
  Prelude> Just 'a'
  Maybe_Just 'a'

It is not completely clear to me whether:

1) the typename prefix is a good idea
2) the underscore should be replaced by some other punctuation such
   as '.' or '@' or '/' or whatever.

I'd be interested in hearing people's opinions.

Historical note: I think the prefix was originally added to improve
the quality of heap profiling output.  Since then it has been extended
to cover more and more kinds of entity (member functions, classes,
types, whatever).

Alastair Reid