Doug Landauer
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:36:39 -0800

On Monday, December 11, 2000, at 08:22 AM, wrote:
> QUESTION: what about SOLARIS (7)?
> It says NOTHING about unix *other than*
> Also, what GRAPHICS are available?  The
> book I have is Hudak's, ie all via graphics
> examples, code, etc.

I did get the Haskell Graphics Library to work on my Solaris
system (Solaris 7).  It just assumes that if you have such a
system, you know how to tweak their Makefile to make it build
you a dynamically loadable library.

So it took me a bit of studying of some man pages and stuff,
but here's what worked for me (I'm using gcc on Solaris; I don't
have a copy of the Sun C compiler so I can't tell ya how to get
that to work).   The only changes I had to make were in the

diff -c -r HGL_graphics_orig/graphics-2.0.3/lib/x11/Makefile 
*** HGL_graphics_orig/graphics-2.0.3/lib/x11/Makefile   Sun Jun 25 
23:50:30 2000
--- graphics-2.0.3/lib/x11/Makefile     Thu Nov  9 18:05:16 2000
*** 27,33 ****
   # Configuration (needs to be customised)

! XDIR          = /usr/X11R6

   # Either use the next line (if you have a GreenCard binary installed)
   #GC           = greencard
--- 27,33 ----
   # Configuration (needs to be customised)

! XDIR          = /usr/openwin

   # Either use the next line (if you have a GreenCard binary installed)
   #GC           = greencard
*** 36,43 ****
   GCDIR         = $(HOME)/local/greencard-2.0
   GC            = $(RUNHUGS) -c100 -h2m $(GCDIR)/src/GreenCard.lhs

! CC            = cc
   LDFLAGS               += -shared -nostdlib

   # Files (should not need to be customised)
--- 36,47 ----
   GCDIR         = $(HOME)/local/greencard-2.0
   GC            = $(RUNHUGS) -c100 -h2m $(GCDIR)/src/GreenCard.lhs

! CC            = gcc -v -mimpure-text
! #  Without -mimpure-text, these LDFLAGS  lead to a bunch of "Text 
relocation remains"
! #   error messages which stop the link.
   LDFLAGS               += -shared -nostdlib
+ #

   # Files (should not need to be customised)
*** 77,82 ****
--- 81,87 ----
   %.o           : %.c
                 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $< -c          : %.o
+               echo LDFLAGS are '<'$(LDFLAGS)'>'
                 $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIBS) -o $@ $<


 > Also, please tell me HOW to sign up for the
 > mailing list.

However, they tell me that hugs-bugs is a more appropriate
place for platform-specific questions.  See

Hope this helps,
  -- Doug