[HOpenGL] Depth problem

Ben Christy ben.christy at gmail.com
Sun Oct 24 18:52:07 EDT 2010

I am taking a graphics class and I have a problem I have not been able to
resolve. When I translate along the Z axis objects are clipped before their
size changes. It almost seems likes its stuck using a ortho prjojection some
how. That being said the clip plan is very close and to me does not resemble
the one I set in gluPerspective. It starts to clip after being translated
-0.6 units down the z axis.

Attached is the code that I use to setup the projection matrix.

main = do
  (progname, _) ←  getArgsAndInitialize
  --initialContextVersion 3 0
  createWindow "Ben Christy Assignment 2"
  windowSize $= Size 800 600
  matrixMode $= Projection
  depthFunc $= Just Less
  viewport   $= (Position 0 0, Size 800 600)
  perspective 60 1.333 1 1200
  --tableModel ←  initModelVBO (vertexTupleListToVertexList table)
  changesRef ←  newIORef Map.empty
  sceneRef ←  newIORef buildSSG
  balloonState ←  newIORef There
  balloonZTarget ←  newIORef 4
  balloonZStart ←  newIORef 0
  balloonStep ←  newIORef 0
  balloonNumSteps ←  newIORef 0
  reshapeCallback $= Just reshape
  displayCallback $= (displayScene sceneRef changesRef )
  --addTimerCallback  10 (animate sceneRef changesRef balloonState
balloonZTarget balloonZStart balloonStep balloonNumSteps)
  keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (handleInput sceneRef changesRef)
reshape (Size w h) = do
  print "resize"
  matrixMode $= Projection
  depthFunc $= Just Less
  viewport   $= (Position 0 0, Size w h)
  perspective 60 1.333 0.01 1200
  matrixMode $= Modelview 1
  postRedisplay Nothing
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