[HOpenGL] Texture Mapping??

Hector Guilarte hectorg87 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 11 11:30:37 EDT 2010

Hello Claude,

My problem is everywhere hahaha. I haven't been able to do anything with
textures, but those steps do sound like the way to go. Maybe if you could
explain them a little bit more I'll do it, or maybe with the examples you
mentioned I'll get it myself.

When you say 'load' is the hardest: In all the tutorials or codes I've seen,
I haven't been able to find any function which has that kind of signature,
but I really have no idea on how to do such function myself :s. I really
thought maybe OpenGL provided some functions to do it...

upload :: .... -- upload to the Graphics Card?
I've used OpenGL in C++ and adding a texture is so easy, Probably I did all
3 steps you mention, but I never really worried about them, I just did it
without paying attention on what was happening underneath.

draw :: ... This does sounds like what I used to do in C++ and it's what I
was hoping to find in Haskell...

Thank you,

Hector Guilarte

On Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Claude Heiland-Allen <
claudiusmaximus at goto10.org> wrote:

> Hi Hector,
> On 11/07/10 03:02, Hector Guilarte wrote:
> > I've been looking for a way to map a texture into a Quad primitive with
> > HOpenGL with no luck.
> [snip]
> I'm having trouble understanding where your problem is.
> There are three steps to texturing using an image file:
> load   :: FilePath -> IO Image      -- read file to raw pixel buffer
> upload :: Image -> IO TextureObject -- upload to graphics card
> draw   :: TextureObject -> IO ()    -- use the texture on something
> where
> data Image = Image{ width, height, channels :: Int, pixels :: Ptr () }
> Which step is problematic?
> 'load' is the hardest IMO, and doesn't have anything to do with OpenGL.
> 'upload' I would implement with 'build2DMipmaps'
> 'draw' is easy: bind the texture, add a 'texCoord' before each 'vertex'
> I could provide some example code for 'upload' and 'draw' if you think it
> would help.
> Claude
> --
> http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org
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