[HOpenGL] Texturing with ghc-OpenGL API

Patrick Scheibe mai99dnn at studserv.uni-leipzig.de
Sun Feb 6 19:51:58 EST 2005

Me again,
forget everything for this time. I just found out that in the cvs of ghc 
everthing is fine. Many samples, many code, I hope to manage it by myself.
I have the ghc 6.2.1 and I think that was the problem. Never thought about 
that things change so rapidly...

have a good night.

On Monday 07 February 2005 01:30, Patrick Scheibe wrote:
> OOps, I replied to an existing mail by mistake and so my message appeared
> as an "submessage".
> Ok, I looked again over my first mail and found it to short und undetailed.
> So here a new try.. for clearance:
> HOGL = The separate package, not that library that comes with ghc source
> ghcOGL = The library you get when you compile ghc and give --with-opengl
> option.
> I'm unable to translate any texture sample from the HOGL api to the ghcOGL
> api. I don't find needed functions. In the source there is a hint that
> the Texturing.hs corresponds to the section 3.8 of the OGL Specs.
> Where are all the functions like genTextures, bindTexture, texImage1D,
> texImage2D, and so on... that are specified in this section?
> In the HOGL is everything fine, but in the ghcOGL lacks of these functions
> without any hint where to find them.
> Any little advice is welcome and will help me.
> Cheers
> Patrick
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