[HOpenGL] Installation

Sandra Fontes sandraeliza_se at yahoo.com.br
Thu Apr 28 12:49:32 EDT 2005


   At installation of HOpenGL, I had this problem: 

make depend - --no-print-directory;
in /root/HOpenGL/HOpenGL-1.05/examples/misc
test x"BitSet.hs BSP.hs BspTree.hs ClipTree.hs
DFace.hs Entity.hs FPSCounter.hs Geometry.hs Info.hs
MipTex.hs PackLib.hs Plane.hs Player.hs QBSP.hs
QuakeMovement.hs QuakeTypes.hs RenderBsp.hs
TestGLUT.hs Text.hs UserInput.hs" = x ||
"/usr/local/bin/ghc" -M -optdep-f -optdep.depend 
-i../../lib:../../GLUT -I../../lib -package lang
-fglasgow-exts    -I/usr/X11R6/include "-#include
<GL/glut.h>" -O   BitSet.hs BSP.hs BspTree.hs
ClipTree.hs DFace.hs Entity.hs FPSCounter.hs
Geometry.hs Info.hs MipTex.hs PackLib.hs Plane.hs
Player.hs QBSP.hs QuakeMovement.hs QuakeTypes.hs
RenderBsp.hs TestGLUT.hs Text.hs UserInput.hs

module `Main' is defined in multiple files: Info.hs
QBSP.hs QuakeMovement.hs TestGLUT.hs

make[2]: ** [depend] Erro 1
make[1]: ** [depend] Erro 1
make: ** [depend] Erro 1

   How can I resolve this problem?



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