[HOpenGL] Re: problems invoking haddock
Andre W B Furtado
Andre W B Furtado" <andrefurtado@ieg.com.br
Sat, 3 May 2003 02:36:52 -0300
> This sounds just like what I got with cygwin and Python. You have to
> rebase your dll's due to some upgrade/restructure they did, just search
> for rebase and cygwin and I'm sure you'll find some text on how to fix
> it.
Problems, problems, problems... The info I found told me that I should:
1) Download a file called rebase.cc and build it with "g++ -O2 -o rebase
rebase.cc -limagehlp"
2) Use the rebase program against some Cygwin DLLs
Now here come the problems:
a) Trying to build rebase.cc gives me an error: rebase.cc:45: `main' must
return `int'. Making main to return 'int' builds the program, but when
trying to rebase the DLLs other problem arises: ReBaseImage() failed with
last error = 2
b) I found a pre-installed rebase command in cygwin and gave up building
rebase.cc. Trying to run this rebase command gives me the error: REBASE: -R
must preceed -o. Adding the -R option to the command line, another error
REBASE: Total Size of mapping 0x00200000
REBASE: Range 0x67e00000 -0x68000000
Argh! I wonder if haddock has a install shield wizard for Windows! :)
-- Andre