[HOpenGL] divide the display in subwindows

mai99dnn@studserv.uni-leipzig.de mai99dnn@studserv.uni-leipzig.de
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 23:00:53 +0100 (MEZ)

Hi there.

I want to divide my window into subwindows to display different
informations (like Nate Robins in his OpenGL Tutorials, if anyone knows).
So I try to work out his solution in Haskell. My Main.hs has the following

main :: ...


 reshapeFunc (Just mainReshape)
 displayF... mainDisplay

 sub1<-createSubWindow mainWin ...

 reshapeFunc (Just sub1Reshape)

-- here follows the interesting part
-- in the mainReshape Nate Robins call the subReshapes...

mainReshape :: ReshapeAction
 setWindow sub1  --!!! no sub1-Window in there :-(
 positionWindow (...)
 reshapeWindow (...)


its clear that sub1 isnt known in the mainReshape. In C you can define
global variables to solve this. Is that in Haskell possible too?
I can't give the sub1 Window directly to the mainReshape 
(mainReshape :: Window -> Resh..) because when the funtion is called in
the main this sub1 isnt created yet (see above). 

I hope this was a clear description of the dilemma I'm in. And I pray,
that I'm just too stupid and the solution is much more clearer to you.

Thanx a lot