[HOpenGL] How to compile a hopengl program?
Bas van Dijk
Mon, 21 Apr 2003 17:35:13 +0200
Sorry for being such a nOOb, (just starting with Haskell...)
but how exactly do I compile your "Hello.hs"?
When I:
> ghc -package GLUT Hello.hs
Hello.hs:16: Variable not in scope: `clear'
Hello.hs:16: Data constructor not in scope: `ColorBuffer'
Hello.hs:20: Variable not in scope: `color'
Hello.hs:20: Data constructor not in scope: `Color3'
Hello.hs:20: Type constructor or class not in scope: `GLfloat'
Hello.hs:21: Variable not in scope: `withBeginMode'
Hello.hs:21: Data constructor not in scope: `Polygon'
Hello.hs:21: Variable not in scope: `vertex'
Hello.hs:21: Data constructor not in scope: `Vertex3'
Hello.hs:21: Data constructor not in scope: `Vertex3'
Hello.hs:21: Data constructor not in scope: `Vertex3'
Hello.hs:21: Data constructor not in scope: `Vertex3'
Hello.hs:21: Type constructor or class not in scope: `GLfloat'
Hello.hs:29: Variable not in scope: `flush'
Hello.hs:34: Variable not in scope: `clearColor'
Hello.hs:34: Data constructor not in scope: `Color4'
Hello.hs:34: Variable not in scope: `$='
Hello.hs:37: Variable not in scope: `matrixMode'
Hello.hs:37: Data constructor not in scope: `Projection'
Hello.hs:37: Variable not in scope: `$='
Hello.hs:38: Variable not in scope: `loadIdentity'
Hello.hs:39: Variable not in scope: `ortho'
Hello.hs:50: Variable not in scope: `getArgsAndInitialize'
Hello.hs:51: Variable not in scope: `initialDisplayMode'
Hello.hs:51: Variable not in scope: `$='
Hello.hs:52: Variable not in scope: `initialWindowSize'
Hello.hs:52: Data constructor not in scope: `Size'
Hello.hs:52: Variable not in scope: `$='
Hello.hs:53: Variable not in scope: `initialWindowPosition'
Hello.hs:53: Data constructor not in scope: `Position'
Hello.hs:53: Variable not in scope: `$='
Hello.hs:56: Variable not in scope: `displayCallback'
Hello.hs:56: Variable not in scope: `$='
On Monday 21 April 2003 15:58, Sven Panne wrote:
> Bas van Dijk wrote:
> > I built GHC from sources using --enable-hopengl at configuration
> > time. [...]
> In that case "-package GLUT" is OK. The GLUT package depends on the
> OpenGL package (cf. the output of "ghc-pkg --show-package=GLUT"), so
> there is no need for an explicit "-package OpenGL". The reason for the
> new package names is a cleaner separation of the rendering part
> (GL/GLU in package "OpenGL") and the UI part (GLUT in package "GLUT").
> The error you get is caused by the fact that the new API in CVS uses
> hierarchical modules, while the examples on the web pages are for the
> old modules. Another basic difference is that the new API is modeled
> around the notion of "state variables"
> http://cvs.haskell.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/fptools/libraries/OpenGL/Graphics
> which mirrors the OpenGL state machine very closely and gives a
> unified view of getters and setters, e.g. the current viewport has the
> type
> viewport :: StateVar (Position, Size)
> So you can set the viewport with
> viewport $= (Position 10 10, Size 20 20)
> and retrieve the current viewport with
> (Position x y, Size w h) <- get viewport
> OpenGL state which can only be queried has a different type, e.g.
> maxViewportDims :: GettableStateVar Size
> which allows
> mvd <- get maxViewportDims
> but catches the following error at compile-time:
> maxViewportDims $= Size 30 40
> Some examples with the new API:
> http://cvs.haskell.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/fptools/libraries/GLUT/examples/R
> http://cvs.haskell.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/fptools/libraries/GLUT/examples/R
> After this small digression, here my advice: If you want to use
> Haskell + OpenGL *now*, you should probably use HOpenGL 1.04 from
> http://haskell.org/HOpenGL, not the stuff from CVS. Switching to the
> new API in the future will be relatively easy because there are no
> subtle semantic changes, mostly syntax.
> Cheers,
> S.
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