[HOpenGL] mouseFunc vs. UserInput

Andre W B Furtado awfurtado@uol.com.br
Wed, 1 May 2002 17:25:12 -0300

With the mouseFunc callback, it is very easy to recognize if the user has
clicked in a point that belongs to a square:

> mouse :: MouseAction
> mouse (WindowPosition x y) _ = -- check if (x,y) is inside the square

I'm trying to do the same using module UserInput.hs (you can find it in the
"Misc" directory), but I'm not succeeding. The problem is that, when you use
UserInput, you need to bind an input event to an action, such as:

> bindKey (KeyMouse LeftButton) Press (Just quitProgram)

I changed the definition of the KeyMouse construct to

> KeyMouse MouseButton Windowposition

rather than only

> KeyMouse MouseButton

but this still doesn't solve my problem. Does anyone have an idea? The only
think I can do by now is to bind ALL the points of the square to the desired
action, but this is surely not the best solution...

Thanks a lot,
-- Andre