[HOpenGL] Exiting gracefully from (H)GLUT?

Calle Lejdfors calle.lejdfors.390@student.lu.se
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 12:15:53 +0200


I have recently started using the HOpenGL (version 1.01) under Linux
running ghc 5.02.1 and have a question. How do I exit my application
gracefully (apart from closing the window). 
In your examples you use 

> exitWith ExitSuccess

That however causes a:

TestGLUT: fatal error: GLUT_CBWindow_d7Tf: uncaught exception

Similar error appear in my application. How do I get around this? It
does not appear to help to do a destroyWindow before exiting. 

Any ideas?

Thanks, Calle