[Hat] Hat-trans or hat-lib bug
Thomas Davie
tatd2 at kent.ac.uk
Tue May 2 11:44:14 EDT 2006
Odd bug here...
The file lambda.hs contains: main = print ((\x -> x * x) (2.0 :: Float))
This is the output for compiling for hat, and not for hat:
Looking at the traces, the recorded trace computes the correct answer
(in fact, 16 can't be found anywhere in the trace), but the incorrect
answer is output.
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ rm lambda.o
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ rm Hat/lambda.o
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ rm lambda
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ hmake lambda
ghc -c -o lambda.o lambda.hs
ghc -o lambda lambda.o
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ ./lambda
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ rm lambda
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ hmake -hat lambda
hat-trans lambda.hs
Wrote Hat/lambda.hs
ghc -c -package hat -o Hat/lambda.o Hat/lambda.hs
ghc -package hat -o lambda Hat/lambda.o
alduruch:~/Documents/Work/Hat test cases/Lambda tatd2$ ./lambda
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