[Hat] Hat-Gui, new tool

Olaf Chitil O.Chitil at kent.ac.uk
Fri Jul 7 14:14:29 EDT 2006

I wonder why w-hat doesn't use the standard Hat library. I see your point.

On the other hand, if you combine several tools and each tries to open 
the file you also run into problems. Most tools are interactive anyway, 
so they will need an initialisation and then several access functions.

I suppose it would have been better if the standard Hat library used a 
kind of handle for the trace. So you would first need to get the handle, 
like for a file. It would also allow processing several trace files at 
once (maybe rarely necessary). A handle would turn the trace into a 
normal abstract data type, not a single abstract value that needs 
magical initialisation.

So no clear winner, maybe adding more tools to your GUI you want to 
revisit this decision.


Neil Mitchell wrote:

> Hi,
>> Great. I wonder whether it would be more sensible if the HatStack itself
>> wouldn't do the trace file opening, hence also not get a FilePath as
>> argument. In your GUI you want to combine several tools.
> I considered that, however some tools are not going to use the
> standard Hat library - for example w-hat, and then the person calling
> the API will need to know how to open each hat file for each library.
> However, I don't mind either way.
> Thanks
> Neil
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