[Hat] Hat for Windows

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 11:44:17 EDT 2006


A preview of Hat for Windows is available at:

All hat utilities are available and seem to work apart from:

hat-explore - advanced escape codes, looks pretty hard to get round
hat-anim - escape codes, might be able to work round
hat-detect - tries to spawn an xterm

In addition, there is also hat-make, which is windows only hmake -hat

Instructions for installing

Extract the contents of the .zip file into a folder preserving
directory structure.

Add the folder containing hat-make to your %PATH% variable, this is
100% required, even if you give the explicit path to hat-make when you
use it.

Make sure ghc is available on your system and has been added to the %PATH%.

Instructions for use

cd to the directory containing your Haskell source

hat-make Main.hs
main <arguments>
hat-stack Main.hat
hat-observe Main.hat

I have tested the programs, and they all work quite well - I have not
run into any limitations beyond those which happen on Hat on Linux as



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