[Hat] Another hat-trans bug?
Thomas Davie
tom.davie at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 09:00:16 EST 2005
Having worked around the other bug while Malcolm tries to figure it
out (sorry Malcolm, didn't mean to land such a big chunk of work on
your lap), I think I've hit another hat-trans bug.
The following code:
lookupAlias :: AliasTable -> Type -> Type
lookupAlias (AliasTable table) (TLit x) = typ
where (0, typ) = Map.findWithDefault (0, TLit x) x table
lookupAlias a@(AliasTable table) (TList (TLit x:xs)) = if isJust res
then some else none
res = Map.lookup x table
none = TList (TLit x : map (lookupAlias a) xs)
Just (n, typ) = res
some = if n == length xs
then mapNumber (xs !!) typ
else error "lookupAlias: mismatch"
lookupAlias _ x = x
Gets translated to:
... lots of stuff ...
hlookupAlias (T.R (AliasTable ftable) _) (T.R (TLit fx) _) p =
gtyp p58v43v58v45 p
gtyp ptyp p = T.constUse ptyp p styp
j59v11v59v18typ =
T.cguard p59v11v59v18 p
148 > (T.ap2 p59v12v59v12 p (p59v12v59v12 Hat.Prelude.!== p)
(T.ap1 p59v12v59v12 p (Hat.PreludeBasic.gfromInteger
p59v12v59v12 p)
150 > (T.conInteger p59v12v59v12 p 0))) (\ p -> h ftyp p)
(\ p -> T.fatal p) of
T.R (T.Tuple2 fv59v12v59v12n ftyp) ktyp -> (ktyp,ftyp)
_ -> T.fatal p
h ftyp p =
T.app3 p59v22v59v60 p59v22v59v40 p Hat.Map.afindWithDefault
(T.con2 p59v42v59v52 p T.Tuple2 T.aTuple2
(T.ap1 p59v43v59v43 p (Hat.PreludeBasic.gfromInteger
p59v43v59v43 p)
(T.conInteger p59v43v59v43 p 0))
(T.con1 p59v46v59v51 p TLit aTLit fx)) fx ftable
h _ p = T.fatal p
... lots of stuff...
Note in the case statement that the variable fv59v12v59v12n is bound
in the second case, but used in the first... As is the variable
ftyp. This of course leads to these errors:
Hat/TypeAlias.hs:148:63: Not in scope: `fv59v12v59v12n'
Hat/TypeAlias.hs:150:56: Not in scope: `ftyp'
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