[Hat] Qualified variable in pattern: T.mkRoot

Thomas Davie tatd2 at kent.ac.uk
Wed Jun 29 03:47:03 EDT 2005

> The following short program:
> module Main where
> Just foo = undefined
> Causes an error message:
> hmake -hat hatd.hs
> hat-trans   hatd.hs
> Wrote Hat/hatd.hs
> /usr/bin/haskell-compiler      -c -package hat -o Hat/hatd.o
> Hat/hatd.hs
> Hat/hatd.hs:10:10: Qualified variable in pattern: T.mkRoot
> with hat 2.0.4 and ghc 6.4-2 (debian)
To be honest, I'm not sure if this is your problem, because I'm not  
sure what the above program is supposed to do, but it gives a compile  
error when not using hat too.

ghc      -c  -o foo.o foo.hs
foo.hs:1: The main function `main' is not defined in module `Main'

In general, if you give hat a program that produces a compile error,  
then compiling with hat on will give you a more cryptic one.  I  
wonder if this is a place we can improve error messages by compiling  
without hat and spewing out that error automatically.

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