[Hat] Hat bug report: import Prelude hiding ...
Malcolm Wallace
Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Wed Jun 30 15:22:51 EDT 2004
Fergus Henderson <fjh007 at galois.com> writes:
> Although Hat does support "import Prelude hiding (head)",
> if you substitute other symbols than "head", in at least
> some cases it will fail:
> import Prelude hiding (sin)
> Hat/Bug.hs:8: Module `Hat.Prelude' does not export `asin'
It seems my patch for imports/exports of class methods was a little
over-enthusiastic. Only the worker and wrapper need to be mentioned
in the transformed entity list, not the atom, hence the error message.
Here is a patch to the patch.
Index: src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs
RCS file: /home/cvs/root/hat/src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -r1.66 TraceTrans.hs
--- src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs 30 Jun 2004 15:35:42 -0000 1.66
+++ src/hattrans/TraceTrans.hs 30 Jun 2004 19:18:21 -0000
@@ -207,8 +207,7 @@
: case arity id of
Just a | a > 0 -> [EntityVar pos (nameTraceInfoGlobalVar id)
,EntityVar pos (nameWorker id)]
- Just (-1) -> [EntityVar pos (nameTraceInfoGlobalVar id)
- ,EntityVar pos (nameShare id)]
+ Just (-1) -> [EntityVar pos (nameShare id)]
_ -> []
tEntity traced (EntityConClsAll pos id) | hasValueInfo id = []
tEntity traced (EntityConClsAll pos id) =
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