[Hat] Hat bug report: hat 2.02 vs ghc 6.2

Malcolm Wallace Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk
Tue Jun 22 17:00:49 EDT 2004

> I tried building Hat 2.02-8 from sources on Debian Linux (testing)
> using ghc 6.2.  It did not compile.  I got the following error message:
> Hat/Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs:89:
>     Variable not in scope: `Foreign.ForeignPtr.foreignPtrToPtr'
> Hat built OK when configured with "configure --buildwith=ghc5", though.

I don't know which patches have been applied to the Debian package.
I would suggest building from CVS for the best compatibility.
My nightly build uses both ghc-5.04.3 and ghc-6.2.1 and they compile
just fine.  The repository is at cvs.haskell.org, in module hat.


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