[Hat] failure w/ simple example

Isaac Jones hat@haskell.org
19 May 2003 17:57:30 -0400

Greetings :)

I have the following simple program for which Hat does not seem to
produce compilable code.

I'm using hat 2.02 which I built from source.
I'm using ghc 5.04.2 from a Debian package.
I'm using hmake 3.07 from a Debian package.

Any suggestions?



--------------- Program
module Main where

main = putStr (show $ 4 ^ 2)

--------------- GHC Error:
% hmake -hat Approach
hat-trans  Approach.hs
Wrote Hat/Approach.hs
ghc     -c -package hat -o Hat/Approach.o Hat/Approach.hs
    Ambiguous type variable(s) `a' in the constraint `Num a'
    arising from use of `gfromInteger' at Hat/Approach.hs:13
    In the third argument of `Hat.Hat.ap1', namely
        `(gfromInteger p3v23 p)'
    In the fifth argument of `Hat.Hat.uapp2', namely
        `(Hat.Hat.ap1 p3v23
                      (gfromInteger p3v23 p)
                      (Hat.Hat.conInteger p3v23 p 4))'
    Ambiguous type variable(s) `a1' in the constraint `Integral a1'
    arising from use of `*^' at Hat/Approach.hs:13
    In the fourth argument of `Hat.Hat.uapp2', namely `(*^)'
    In the sixth argument of `Hat.Hat.uapp2', namely
        `(Hat.Hat.uapp2 p3v25
                        (Hat.Hat.ap1 p3v23
                                     (gfromInteger p3v23 p)
                                     (Hat.Hat.conInteger p3v23 p 4))
                        (Hat.Hat.ap1 p3v27
                                     (gfromInteger p3v27 p)
                                     (Hat.Hat.conInteger p3v27 p 2)))'

--------------- Generated Code
module Main where

import qualified Prelude 
import qualified Hat.Hat as T 
import qualified Hat.PreludeBasic 
import Hat.Prelude 

gmain pmain p = T.constUse pmain p smain

smain =
  T.constDef T.mkRoot amain
    (\ p ->
      T.uapp1 p3v8 p aputStr hputStr
        (T.uapp2 p3v21 p (+$) (*$) (gshow p3v16 p)
          (T.uapp2 p3v25 p (+^) (*^)
            (T.ap1 p3v23 p (Hat.PreludeBasic.gfromInteger p3v23 p)
              (T.conInteger p3v23 p 4))
            (T.ap1 p3v27 p (Hat.PreludeBasic.gfromInteger p3v27 p)
              (T.conInteger p3v27 p 2)))))

tMain = T.mkModule "Main" "Approach.hs" Prelude.True

amain = T.mkVariable tMain 30001 3 0 "main" Prelude.False

p3v1 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30001

p3v8 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30008

p3v21 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30021

p3v16 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30016

p3v25 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30025

p3v23 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30023

p3v27 = T.mkSrcPos tMain 30027

main = T.traceIO "Approach" (Main.gmain T.mkNoSrcPos T.mkRoot)