[Hat] hat Auxfixity.hs:92 error?
Malcolm Wallace
Mon, 3 Mar 2003 12:20:23 +0000
Daniel Parry <ddp23@cam.ac.uk> writes:
> When attempting to use hat[0] on a reasonably simple program that
> compiles fine with ghc I am faced with the following error.
> $ hmake -hat quineMcCluskey.lhs
> hat-trans quineMcCluskey.lhs
> Fail: AuxFixity.hs:92: Non-exhaustive patterns in case
This is a bug in hat-trans, which appears to be (sort of) fixed in
the current CVS version. The next release of Hat is due in a couple
of weeks, but if you can't wait, and would prefer not to use CVS,
there is a workaround: in your program, replace uses of the constant
-1 with (negate 1), excepting patterns of course.