[Hat] hat fails to build on FreeBSD-current

Malcolm Wallace hat@haskell.org
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 10:24:10 +0000

Oliver Braun <obraun@informatik.unibw-muenchen.de> writes:

> hat fails to build on FreeBSD-current. See [1] for Details.
> nhc98-1.14a has been built with ghc-5.04.1.
> $ cc --version
> cc (GCC) 3.2.1 [FreeBSD] 20021009 (prerelease)

OK, I suspect the problem is that nhc98 does not work well with gcc-3.x.
Does FreeBSD-current also have a gcc-2.9x.x series compiler available?
If so, try rebuilding nhc98's runtime, prelude, and libraries with the
older version of gcc as the C backend.  e.g.

    cd nhc98-1.14a
    CC=gcc-2.95.3 ./configure --buildwith=ghc-5.04.1

and the same for Hat, I suppose:

    cd hat-2.00
    CC=gcc-2.95.3 ./configure --buildwith=nhc98
