[Hat] Installing Hat for _both_ ghc and nhc98
Malcolm Wallace
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 11:57:24 +0100
Martin Norbäck writes:
> Ok, so here is a new problem, the install script script/confhat does not
> obey the environment variable DESTDIR. Also, it tries to run pkg-add,
> which I don't want to run until the actual rpm is installed.
I don't see how script/confhat could use the variable DESTDIR.
It discovers the actual location of either ghc or nhc98 on the
final machine, and installs only the `hat' package directly into the
compiler tree. It looks like maybe you should call script/confhat
from the rpm spec file, but not from `configure --install'?
> I suppose this would also be a problem for making a binary release of
> hat.
It will be difficult to make binary releases of Hat anyway, because
the library and interface files depend intimately on the exact version
of the ghc compiler used to build them.
> For now, I'll just do the installing by hand in my rpm spec file.
This is probably the easiest approach. Would you like me to add your
.spec file to the CVS repository?