Haddock GADTs Hack

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 7 03:42:27 EST 2007

Great stuff.   However, David Waern's SoC project is very nearly at the point where he can generate Haddock for anything GHC understands; he's using GHC itself as the front end.

He's recently added the rendering code for GADTs I think.  I think he's probably planning a release shortly.  David?

Meanwhile Ashley's hack may well prove useful.


| -----Original Message-----
| From: haskelldoc-bounces at haskell.org [mailto:haskelldoc-bounces at haskell.org] On Behalf Of Ashley
| Yakeley
| Sent: 07 February 2007 07:18
| To: haskelldoc at haskell.org
| Subject: Haddock GADTs Hack
| Included is a hack to allow haddock to parse GADTs. There are two
| problems with it:
| 1. I don't think you can add doc comments to the constructors.
| 2. The shown types are wrong: the whole type of the constructor is shown
| as if it were the type of a single argument. Fixing this will presumably
| involve adding another constructor to HsConDecl to represent GADT
| constructors.
| It wouldn't be appropriate to release haddock in this state, but I think
| it's helpful for those of us who could get no doc at all just because we
| have a GADT in our code.
| --
| Ashley Yakeley
| Seattle, WA

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