Positional cues or not

Armin Groesslinger groessli@fmi.uni-passau.de
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:12:39 +0100 (MET)

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Jan Skibinski wrote:

> 	By the way, I sometimes use "Jan's style" commenting
> 	even for datatype definitions, especially when I
> 	have something important to say there. This helps
> 	with very tight binding of the two. And when I move
> 	the things around the comments are not lost by some
> 	accident.
> 	newtype C
> 	    -- Some description ..
> 	    =  C Bool

Sounds reasonable to me :-)

> 	Categories are helpful things, unless one uses submodules
> 	instead. They exist in Smalltalk, Objective C, Eiffel.
> 	ISE Eiffel goes even one step further and insists on
> 	standard ctegory names all across their libraries.
> 	But the usage of headers in Hugs' Prelude goes beyond
> 	categories of functions; they also separate groups
> 	of methods, or combinations of datatypes and the
> 	functions, etc.
> 	Should the documention standard respect the module
> 	authors' wishes and provide at least some sort of support
> 	for 'categories'? I think, it should.

So do I. Especially when generating external documentation the
user doesn't see the whole module structure and "internal" modules
will appear as part of wrapper modules, so there's definitely a
need for more structuring as the grouping in modules can give.

