Positional cues or not
Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 12:20:57 +1100
Simon Marlow <simonmar@microsoft.com> wrote,
> > > I don't particularly care whether the convention is {--- -}
> > or {-# DOC #-}
> > > (with a slight preference for the latter, because it is consistent
> > > with existing conventions).
> >
> > I have a distinct preference against {-# DOC #-}. It is too visually
> > dense and distracting. Besides, the simpler {- -} is a perfectly
> > good convention already as well.
> >
> > I'm not sure whether to require the extra markup of {--- -}. For one
> > thing, as Manuel pointed out, people often use -- to end of line
> > comments in addition to nested comments, and I think we should be
> > able to be flexible there. However, if you think special markup to
> > distinguish documentation comments from normal comments is really
> > necessary, maybe a three-dash --- to end of line could serve as the
> > analog to {--- -}.
> Using simple {- -} is too hard to parse; the lexer can't pass these on
> to the parser as tokens, because they can occur anywhere.
I am not sure what you mean to imply here. This is only
something the Doc tool has to do, isn't it. The mere fact
that a comment immediately preceeds an (exported) type
signature could be enough of a cue to turn it into a
documentation comment.
More problematic are general comments not associated with a
single definition that the programmer might want to have in
the generated documentation.
I also tend to think that {-# DOC #-} is too heavy.
However, a convention that I am already using for years is
to format my comments belonging to an exported entity such
that it starts with a brief one line description of what the
function or type is about. If the entity is exported, I
close that sentence with "(EXPORTED)". This admittedly is
also visually heavy, but it is also helpful information when
browsing the file in an editor, so I think, the heaviness is
less problematic.