HDoc 0.8.0 released
Armin Groesslinger
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 17:06:24 +0200 (MET DST)
Hi all,
I finally found the time to work a bit more on HDoc.
This release brings two important changes:
1. Support for end-of-line comments ("---") and special comments
for data type constructors ("--'"):
-- Here's some documentation in the new format.
data Expr = Number Double --' a real value
| Variable String --' a variable
| Expr :+: Expr
| Expr :-: Expr
| Expr :*: Expr
| Expr :/: Expr --' arithmetic operations
2. The HTML text in the comments is now analyzed (i.e. parsed) by HDoc
for that future versions can support a non-HTML backend.
This means that one can only use HTML tags known to HDoc
(which are few at the moment, see README file or docs/hdoc.pdf), but
more HTML tags will be added.
Minor changes include:
- "@doc object" tags to associate a comment with a Haskell
object by name instead of position
- "@see object" tags for references to Haskell objects
Of course, you can find the current release on HDoc's home page at
Hope you like HDoc 0.8.0.