[Haskell] Midlands Graduate School 2025 hosted by the University of Sheffield

Andrei Popescu andrei.h.popescu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 14:37:28 UTC 2025

Dear Colleagues,

This year's Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing
Science will take place at the University of Sheffield. We have some
great lecturers and topics. (Below you can also find information about
fees. The registration site will open soon.)

Best wishes,

Midlands Graduate School 2025

7-11 April 2025, Sheffield, UK



The Midlands Graduate School (MGS) in the Foundations of
Computing Science provides an intensive course of lectures
on the mathematical foundations of computing. The MGS has
been running since 1999, and is aimed at PhD students in
their first or second year of study, but the school is open
to everyone, and has increasingly seen participation from
industry.  We welcome participants from all over the world!


Eight courses will be given.  Participants usually take all
the introductory courses and choose additional options from
the advanced courses depending on their interests.

Invited course

- Four Lectures on Proof-Theoretic Semantics, David Pym

Introductory courses

- Category Theory, Thorsten Altenkirch
- The Curry-Howard Correspondence, Anupam Das
- Quantum Computing, Venanzio Capretta

Advanced courses

- Coalgebra, Paul Blain Levy
- Linear Logic, Abhishek De and Charles Grellois
- Modular Proofs in Isabelle/HOL, Chelsea Edmonds
- Refinement Types in Haskell, Brandon Hewer


The fees for MGS 25, which also cover catering (including coffee,
pastries and lunch) during the day and optionally the conference
dinner, are as follows.

- Academic participant: £300, plus an optional £30 dinner ticket for
Wednesday evening.
- Industry participant: £500, plus an optional £30 dinner ticket for
Wednesday evening.

Registration will be open shortly.


We offer a range of sponsorship opportunities for industry (bronze,
silver, gold and platinum), each with specific benefits. Please see
the website for further details.

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