[Haskell] TyDe 2024: Final call for papers and extended abstracts

Jesper Cockx J.G.H.Cockx at tudelft.nl
Tue May 21 09:36:02 UTC 2024

Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder that the deadline for TyDe is on Monday the 27th AoE, which is in precisely one week. Both full papers and extended abstracts are equally welcome!

Best regards,
Jesper Cockx

From: Fp-nl <fp-nl-bounces at lists.science.uu.nl> on behalf of Jesper Cockx via Fp-nl <fp-nl at lists.science.uu.nl>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2024 14:44
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Subject: [Fp-nl] TyDe 2024: First call for papers and extended abstracts

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                The Ninth International Workshop on
                      TYPE-DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT
               Call for papers and extended abstracts

                   Milan, Italy, 6 September 2024

The Workshop on Type-Driven Development (TyDe) aims to show how static type information may be used effectively in the development of computer programs. Co-located with ICFP, this workshop brings together leading researchers and practitioners who are using or exploring types as a means of program development.

We welcome all contributions, both theoretical and practical, on a range of topics including:

* dependently typed programming;
* generic programming;
* design and implementation of programming languages, exploiting types in novel ways;
* exploiting typed data, data dependent data, or type providers;
* static and dynamic analyses of typed programs;
* tools, IDEs, or testing tools exploiting type information;
* pearls, being elegant, instructive examples of types used in the derivation, calculation, or construction of programs.

### Important dates ###
* Mon 27 May 2024 (AoE): Submission deadline for papers and extended abstracts
* Wed 10 Jul 2024: Notification of acceptance
* Wed 17 Jul 2024: Submission of camera-ready papers to ACM
* Fri 6 Sep 2024: Workshop

### Proceedings and Copyright ###
We will have formal proceedings for full-length papers, published by the ACM. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. Authors must grant ACM publication rights upon acceptance, but may retain copyright if they wish. Authors are encouraged  to publish auxiliary material with their paper (source code, test data, and so forth). The proceedings will be freely available for download from the ACM Digital Library from one week before the start of the conference until two weeks after the conference.

The official publication date is the date the papers are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

### Submission Details ###
Submissions should fall into one of two categories:

* regular research papers (12 pages);
* extended abstracts (3 pages).

The bibliography will not be counted against the page limits for either category.

Regular research papers are expected to present novel and interesting research results, and will be included in the formal proceedings. Extended abstracts should report work in progress that the authors would like to present at the workshop. Extended abstracts will be distributed to workshop attendees but will not be published in the formal proceedings.

We welcome submissions from PC members (with the exception of the two co-chairs), but these submissions will be held to a higher standard.

Submission is handled through HotCRP:

> https://tyde24.hotcrp.com

All submissions should be in portable document format (PDF) and formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines:

> https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/

Note that submissions should use the new ‘acmart’ format and the two-column ‘sigplan’ subformat (not to be confused with the one-column ‘acmsmall’ subformat).

Extended abstracts must be submitted with the label ‘Extended Abstract’ clearly in the title.

### Participant Support ###
Student attendees with accepted papers can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant to help cover participation-related expenses. PAC also offers other support, such as for child-care expenses during the meeting or for accommodations for members with physical disabilities. For details on the PAC program, see its web page:

> https://www.sigplan.org/PAC/
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