[Haskell] Call for papers, TASE 2023, Bristol, UK, 4-6 July 2023

Huibiao Zhu hbzhu at sei.ecnu.edu.cn
Sat Nov 12 01:06:43 UTC 2022

               The 17th International Symposium on
          Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
                          (TASE 2023)
                    July 4-6, Bristol, UK
* Abstract submission (not mandatory, but preferred):  February 3, 2023
*   Paper Submission:                                                     February 10, 2023
*   Author Notification:                                                     April 10, 2023
*   Camera-ready versions:                                             May 1, 2023
*   Conference date:                                                        July 4-6, 2023
The 17th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2023) will be held in Bristol, UK on July 4-6, 2023. Modern society is increasingly dependent on software systems that are becoming larger and more complex. This poses new challenges to the various aspects of software engineering, for instance, software dependability in trusted computing, interaction with physical components in cyber physical systems, quality assurance in AI systems, distribution in cloud computing applications, security and privacy in general. Hence, new concepts and methodologies are required to enhance the development of software engineering from theoretical aspects.
TASE 2023 aims to provide a forum for people from academia and industry to communicate their latest results on innovative advances in software engineering. TASE 2023 is the 17th in the TASE series. The past TASE symposia were successfully held in Shanghai ('07), Nanjing ('08), Tianjin ('09), Taipei ('10), Xi'an ('11), Beijing ('12), Birmingham ('13), Changsha ('14), Nanjing ('15), Shanghai (’16), Nice ('17), Guangzhou ('18), Guilin (’19), Hangzhou (’20), Shanghai (’21), Cluj (’22).
Authors are invited to submit high quality technical papers describing original and unpublished work in all theoretical aspects of software engineering. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Abstract interpretation
* Algebraic and co-algebraic specifications
* AI for formal methods
* Component-based software engineering
* Cyber-physical systems
* Deductive verification
* Distributed and concurrent systems
* Domain Engineering
* Embedded and real-time systems
* Feature-oriented software
* Formal methods, verification and testing for AI systems
* Formal verification and program semantics
* Fundamental theories and techniques for trustworthy AI systems
* Integration of formal methods
* Language design
* Model checking and theorem proving
* Model-driven engineering
* Object-oriented systems
* Probability in software engineering
* Program analysis
* Program logics and calculi
* Requirements engineering
* Reverse engineering and software maintenance
* Run-time verification and monitoring
* Semantic web and web services
* Service-oriented and cloud computing
* Software processes and workflows
* Software architectures and design
* Software testing and quality assurance
* Software safety, security and reliability
* Specification and verification
* Type systems and behavioral typing
* Tools exploiting theoretical results
Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference. The proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 16 pages (excluding bibliography) for long papers and 6 pages (excluding bibliography) for short papers in LNCS format. Submissions should be made through the TASE 2023 submission page, handled by the EasyChair conference management system.
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tase23
Selected papers will be invited after the symposium to submit an extended version
to a special issue at Science of Computer Programming.
* Abstract submission (not mandatory, but preferred):  February 3, 2023
*   Paper Submission:                                                     February 10, 2023
*   Author Notification:                                                     April 10, 2023
*   Camera-ready versions:                                             May 1, 2023
*   Conference date:                                                        July 4-6, 2023
 Ian Nabney – University of Bristol, UK
Meng Wang – Univeristy of Bristol, UK
Cristina David – University of Bristol, UK
Meng Sun – Peking University, China
Guoqiang Li -- Shanghai Jiaotong University, China
Guillaume Dupont -- Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT, France
Samantha Frohlich – University of Bristol, UK
Roly Perera – University of Bristol, UK
Ileana Ober -- Université Paul Sabatier, France
Min Zhang -- East China Normal University, China
Neeraj Singh -- Toulouse INP – ENSEEIHT, France
Bernhard K. Aichernig, Graz University of Technology
Toshiaki Aoki, JAIST
Guangdong Bai, The University of Queensland
Richard Banach, University of Manchester
Luís Soares Barbosa, University of Minho
Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden University
Martin Brain, City, University of London
Liqian Chen, National University of Defense Technology
Zhenbang Chen, National University of Defense Technology
Wei-Ngan Chin, National University of Singapore
Lucas Cordeiro, University of Manchester
Andreeea Costea, National University of Singapore
Florin Craciun, Cluj University
Cristina David, University of Bristol (PC Co-chair)
Flavio Ferrarotti, Software Competence Centre Hagenberg
Simon Foster, University of York
Marc Frappier, Université de Sherbrooke
Robvan Glabbeek, Data61 - CSIRO
Matthias Güdemann, University of Applied Sciences, Munich
Fei He, Tsinghua University
Thai Son Hoang, University of Southampton
Zoltán Horváth, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest
Zhe Hou, Griffith University
Xiaowei Huang, University of Liverpool
Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics
Andreas Katis, KBR Inc. at NASA Ames Research Center
Olga Kouchnarenko, University of Franche-Comté
Pascal Kesseli, Diffblue, UK
Regine Laleau, Paris Est Creteil University
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Aalborg University
Dorel Lucanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University
Frederic Mallet, Universite Nice Sophia-Antipolis
Kazutaka Matsuda, Tohoku University
Diego Marmsoler, University of Exeter
Dominique Mery, Université de Lorraine, LORIA
Kazuhiro Ogata, JAIST
Peter Ölveczky, University of Oslo
Dominic Orchard, University of Kent
Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg
Geguang Pu, East China Normal University
Adrian Riesco, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Shengchao Qin, Teesside University
Quang Loc Le, University College London
Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University
Meng Sun, Peking University (PC Co-chair)
Cong Tian, Xidian University
Jaco van de Pol, University of Twente
Xiaofei Xie, Singapore Management University
Naijun Zhan, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiyue Zhang, xiyue.zhang at cs.ox.ac.uk, University of Oxford
Yongwang Zhao, zhaoyw at zju.edu.cn, Zhejiang University
Huibiao Zhu, East China Normal University
Xue-Yang Zhu, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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