[Haskell] BX 2022 - Call for papers (deadline 14 May)
Li-yao Xia
lysxia at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 14:51:42 UTC 2022
# Tenth International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2022)
8 July 2022, Nantes, France
Part of STAF 2022 (5-8 July): https://staf2022.univ-nantes.io/
BX 2022 homepage: http://bx-community.wikidot.com/bx2022:home
## Overview
Bidirectional transformations (BX) are a mechanism for maintaining the
consistency between two or more related (and heterogeneous) sources of
information (e.g., relational databases, software models and code, or
any other artefacts following standard or domain-specific formats). The
strongest argument in favour of BX is its ability to provide a
synchronization mechanism that is guaranteed to be correct by
construction. BX has been attracting a wide range of research areas and
communities, with prominent presence at top conferences in several
different fields (namely databases, programming languages, software
engineering, and graph transformation). Nowadays, the fast-growing
complexity of software- or data-intensive systems has forced industry
and academia to use and investigate different development techniques to
manage the many different aspects of the systems. Researchers are
actively investigating the use of bidirectional approaches to tackle a
diverse set of challenges with various applications including
model-driven software development, visualization with direct
manipulation, big data, databases, domain-specific languages,
serializers, and data transformation, integration and exchange. BX 2022
is a dedicated venue for BX in all relevant fields and is part of a
workshop series that was created in order to promote cross-disciplinary
research and awareness in the area. As such, since its beginning in
2012, the workshop has rotated between venues in different fields.
Papers for BX 2022 can be submitted on EasyChair:
## Important Dates
- Paper submission: 14 May, 2022
- Author notification: 28 May, 2022
- Workshop: 8 July, 2022
## Topics
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners, established and new, interested in bx from different
perspectives, including but not limited to:
- bidirectional programming languages and frameworks
- software development with BX
- data and model synchronization
- view updating
- inter-model consistency analysis and repair
- data/schema (or model/metamodel) co-evolution
- coupled software/model transformations
- inversion of transformations and data exchange mappings
- domain-specific languages for BX
- analysis and classification of requirements for BX
- bridging the gap between formal concepts and application scenarios
- analysis of efficiency of transformation algorithms and benchmarks
- model-driven and model-based approaches
- survey and comparison of BX technologies
- case studies and tool support
- applications and experiences of adopting BX in the real world
## Categories of Submissions
Five categories of submissions are considered:
1. Full Research Papers (13-15 pages) - in-depth presentations of novel
concepts and results - applications of bx to new domains - survey papers
providing novel comparisons between existing bx technologies and
approaches, case studies
2. Tool Papers (7-8 pages) - guideline papers presenting best practices
for employing a specific bx approach (with a specific tool) -
presentation of new tools or substantial improvements to existing ones -
qualitative and/or quantitative comparisons of applying different bx
approaches and tools
3. Experience Report (7-8 pages) - sharing experiences and lessons
learned with bx tools/frameworks/languages - how bx is used in
(research/industrial/educational) projects
4. Short Papers (5 pages) - work in progress - small focused
contributions - position papers and research perspectives - critical
questions and challenges for bx
5. Talk Proposals (2 pages) - proposed lectures about topics of interest
for bx - existing work representing relevant contributions for bx -
promising contributions that are not mature enough to be proposed as
papers of the other categories
## Submission guidelines
Papers should use the new CEUR-ART style, single column, available as an
Overleaf page or as a zip archive:
and must be submitted via EasyChair:
If your submission is not a Full Research Paper, please include the
intended submission category in the Title field of EasyChair’s
submission form. Tool papers, experience reports and short papers will
be mapped to the short paper category in CEUR (having between 5-9
standard pages, 1 standard page = 2500 characters), whereas full
research papers will be mapped to the regular paper category in CEUR
(having at least 10 standard pages).
The bibliography is excluded from the page limits. All papers are
expected to be self-contained and well-written. Tool papers are not
expected to present novel scientific results, but to document artifacts
of interest and share bx experience/best practices with the community.
Experience papers are expected to report on lessons learnt from applying
bx approaches, languages, tools, and theories to practical application
case studies. Extended abstracts should primarily provoke interesting
discussion at the workshop and will not be held to the same standard of
maturity as regular papers; short papers contain focused results,
positions or perspectives that can be presented in full in just a few
pages, and that correspondingly contain fewer results and that therefore
might not be competitive in the full paper category. Talk proposals are
expected to present work that is of particular interest to the community
and worth a talk slot at the workshop.
We strongly encourage authors to ensure that any (variants of) examples
are present in the bx example repository at the time of submission, and,
for tool papers, to allow for reproducibility with minimal effort,
either via a virtual machine (e.g., via Share) or a dedicated website
with relevant artifacts and tool access.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee.
If a submission is accepted, at least one author is expected to
participate in the workshop to present it. Authors of accepted tool
paper submissions are also expected to be available to demonstrate their
tool at the event.
## Proceedings
The workshop proceedings (in a STAF 2022 joint volume for workshops),
including all accepted papers (except talk proposals), shall be
submitted after the conference to CEUR-WS.org for online publication.
Pre-prints of all papers will be available via the workshop website at
the beginning of the conference.
In case of questions, please contact the PC chairs at bx2022 at easychair.org.
Best regards,
Li-yao Xia, Vadim Zaytsev, Xiao He
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