[Haskell] ETAPS 2022 2nd joint call for papers

Tarmo Uustalu tarmo at cs.ioc.ee
Sat Sep 25 00:57:37 UTC 2021

Why choose ETAPS?

- ETAPS is one of the world's leading fora for research on software
  science, with a history of more than 25 years.
- The proceedings of ETAPS appear in gold open access, with no article
  processing charge for the authors specifically.
- ETAPS has low participation fees for all and for students in

New in 2022:

- Like FASE for several years already, ESOP will also use double-blind
  review this time.
- FASE has a new paper category of new ideas and emerging results 
  (NIER) papers.
- The pre-paper-acceptance artifact submission deadline for TACAS is
  now a little later than the paper submission deadline.
- ESOP and FASE welcome voluntary submission of artifacts for
  evaluation after paper acceptance; the outcome will not change the
  paper acceptance decision.
- Among the satellite events, there is a PhD student mentoring 


                      JOINT CALL FOR PAPERS

25th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
                           ETAPS 2022

                 Munich, Germany, 2-7 April 2022




ETAPS is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to software science. ETAPS,
established in 1998, is a confederation of four annual conferences,
accompanied by satellite workshops. ETAPS 2022 is the twenty-fifth
event in the series.

-- MAIN CONFERENCES (4-7 April) --

   * ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
       (PC chair: Ilya Sergey, Yale-NUS College and
        National University of Singapore, Singapore)
   * FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
       (PC chairs:Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway, 
       and Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria)
   * FoSSaCS: Foundations of Software Science
       and Computation Structures
       (PC chairs: Patricia Bouyer, CNRS, LMF, France, 
       and Lutz Schröder, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
   * TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for
       the Construction and Analysis of Systems
       (PC chairs: Dana Fisman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev,
     Israel, and Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at
     Urbana-Champaign, USA) 
TACAS '22 will host the 11th Competition on Software Verification


   * Unifying speakers:
     Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK / 
         Cornell University, USA)
     Tomáš Vojnar (Brno University of Technology, Czechia)
   * FoSSaCS invited speaker:
     Nathalie Bertrand (Inria Rennes, France)
   * TACAS invited speaker:
     Lenore Zuck (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)

   * Tutorial speakers:
     Stacey Jeffery (CWI and QuSoft, The Netherlands)
     a further tutorial speaker tba


   * Paper submission
        (also, pre-paper-acceptance artifact registration (TACAS)):
        14 October 2021 23:59 AoE
   * Pre-paper-acceptance artifact submission (TACAS):
        4 November 2021 23:59 AoE
   * Rebuttal (ESOP, FoSSaCS and, partially, TACAS):
        7 December 00:01 AoE - 9 December 2021 23:59 AoE
   * Paper notification: 23 December 2021
   * Post-paper-acceptance artifact submission (ESOP, FASE, TACAS):
        5 January 2022 23:59 AoE
   * Paper final versions: 26 January 2022
   * Artifact notification: 16 February 2022


The four main conferences of ETAPS 2022 solicit contributions of the
following types. All page limits are given **excluding the

  * ESOP: regular research papers of max 25 pp
  * FASE: regular research papers and empirical evaluation papers of
    max 18 pp,
    new ideas and emerging results (NIER) papers of max 8 pp,
    tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp (+ mandatory appendix of max
    6 pp),
  * FoSSaCS: regular research papers of max 18 pp 
  * TACAS: regular research papers, case study papers and regular tool
    papers of max 16 pp,
    tool demonstration papers of max 6 pp

For definitions of the different paper types and specific
instructions, where they are present, see the webpages of the
individual conferences.

All accepted papers will appear in the proceedings and have
presentations during the conference. A condition of submission is
that, if the submission is accepted, one of the authors attends the
conference to give the presentation. We plan ETAPS 2022 as a hybrid
conference; remote attendance and presentation will be possible.

Submitted papers must be in English presenting original research. They
must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. In
particular, simultaneous submission of the same contribution to
multiple ETAPS conferences is also forbidden.

Submissions must follow the formatting guidelines of Springer's LNCS
(use the llncs.cls class) and be submitted electronically in pdf
through the Easychair author interface of the respective
conference. Submissions not adhering to the specified format and
length may be rejected immediately.

ESOP and FASE will use **double-blind reviewing**. Authors are asked
to omit their names and institutions; refer to prior work in the third
person, just as prior work by others; not to include acknowledgements
that might identify them.

ESOP and FoSSaCS will use an **author rebuttal phase**. TACAS will use
rebuttal for selected submissions (those in the gray zone).

Artifact submission and evaluation

Regular tool paper and tool demonstration paper submissions to TACAS
must be accompanied by an artifact submitted shortly after the
paper. The artifact will be evaluated and the outcome will be taken
into account in the acceptance decision of the paper.

For research paper and case study paper submissions,
pre-paper-acceptance submission of an artifact is optional; if an
artifact is submitted at this point, it will be handled like described

Alternatively, authors of papers of these categories may submit an
artifact for evaluation after the paper has been accepted. The outcome
of the artifact evaluation will then not change the paper acceptance

ESOP and FASE will also have artifact evaluation, but participation in
it is voluntary; the artifact submission deadline is after the paper
notification deadline. The outcome will not alter the paper acceptance

For specific instructions regarding artifacts, see the webpages of the
individual conferences.


The proceedings will be published in the Advanced Research in
Computing and Software Science (ARCoSS) subline of Springer's LNCS
series. The proceedings volumes will appear in gold open access, so
the published versions of all papers will be available for everyone to
download from the publisher's website freely, from the date of online
publication, perpetually. The copyright of the papers will remain with
the authors.


The strongest papers of the four conferences will be nominated for the
ETAPS best paper awards of EAPLS, EASST and EATCS.

The ETAPS test of time award recognizes outstanding papers
published at ETAPS more than 10 years in the past. 

-- SATELLITE EVENTS (2-3 April) --

A number of satellite workshops and other events will take place
before the main conferences:

SynCop, VerifyThis, VPT, WRLA

Also in the satellite events program is a Mentoring Workshop.

For closer information, check https://etaps.org/2022/workshops .


Munich, Germany, is the capital and most populous city of
Bavaria. Nowadays, the city is a global center of art, science,
technology, finance, publishing, culture, innovation, education,
business, and tourism. It is home to Ludwig Maximilian's University
(LMU) and Technische Universität München (TUM), many scientific
institutions, and world-class technology and science museums such as
Deutsches Museum and BMW Museum.

Iconic places to visit in Munich include the Munich Residenz,
Marienplatz, the Old Town Hall, the famous Glockenspiel on the New
Town Hall, the Frauenkirche, the English Garden, the Olympic Park and
Nymphenburg Palace.

The conference will be hosted by Technische Universität München.


General chair: Jan Křetínský (Technische Universität München, Germany)

Workshops chair: Dirk Beyer (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München,

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