[Haskell] SPLASH 2020 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions

hitesh sajnani sajnani.hitesh at gmail.com
Sat Jul 25 02:40:06 UTC 2020

SPLASH 2020 Combined Call for Workshop Submissions


Following its long-standing tradition, SPLASH will host a variety of
workshops, allowing their participants to meet and discuss research
questions with peers, to mature new and exciting ideas, and to build up
communities and start new

collaborations. SPLASH workshops complement the main tracks of the
conference and provide meetings in a smaller and more specialized setting.
The following workshops will be *virtually* co-located with SPLASH 2020 and
ECOOP 2020.

 * AGERE (Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control)

 * HATRA (Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants)

 * HILT (High Integrity Language Technologies)

 * LIVE (Live Programming)

 * LPOP (Logic and Practice of Programming)

 * META (Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection)

 * NSAD (Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains)


 * REBLS (Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems)

 * TAPAS (Tools for Automatic Program Analysis)

 * VMIL (Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages)

AGERE (Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control)


The AGERE! workshop is aimed at focusing on programming systems, languages
and applications based on actors, active/concurrent objects, agents
and—more generally—on high-level programming paradigms which promote
decentralized control in solving problems and developing software.

The workshop is intended to cover both the theory and the practice of
design and programming, bringing together researchers working on models,
languages and technologies, and practitioners developing real-world systems
and applications.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/agere-2020

Deadline: *21st August AoE*

HATRA (Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants)


Programming language designers seek to provide strong tools to help
developers reason about their programs. The HATRA workshop focuses on
methods for making languages that provide stronger safety properties more
effective for programmers and software engineers. By bringing together
programming languages, software engineering, security, and human-computer
interaction researchers, we will explore interdisciplinary methods for
creating languages that benefit their users.

Our interest spans all approaches for reasoning assistants and safer
programming languages. For example, the formal methods community seeks to
enable developers to prove correctness properties of their code, and type
system designers seek to exclude classes of undesirable behavior from
programs. The security community creates tools to help developers achieve
their security goals.

We invite the SPLASH community to join us in identifying and establishing a
research agenda for collaborative work in this space and discussion of
early-stage approaches in this area.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/hatra-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

HILT (High Integrity Language Technologies)


High Integrity Language Technologies have been tackling the challenges of
building efficient, safe, reliable software for decades. Critical software
as a domain is quickly expanding beyond embedded real-time control
applications to the increasing reliance on complex software for the basic
functioning of businesses, governments, and society in general. HILT 2020
will focus on the growing importance of large-scale, highly parallel,
distributed and/or cloud applications. Single-thread performance is
reaching the limits of physics, and this has driven growth in parallel
programming, massively distributed systems, and heterogeneous/ accelerated
computing models. Once the domain of high-performance computing experts,
parallel, distributed, and cloud computing are becoming fundamental
technologies for all programmers. This workshop seeks to explore ways High
Integrity Language Technologies can bring the capabilities of parallelism,
distribution, and heterogeneity to a wider audience, without the associated
increase in complexity.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/hilt-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

LIVE (Live Programming)


Live programming gives the programmer immediate feedback on the behavior of
a program as it is edited, replacing the edit-compile-debug cycle with a
fluid programming experience. The most commonly used live programming
environment is the spreadsheet, but there are many others.

The study of live programming is now an established area of research. The
LIVE workshop focuses on the human experience of programming and is a forum
for early-stage work to receive constructive criticism. We accept short
papers, web essays with embedded videos, and demo videos. Traditionally,
the majority of LIVE submissions are demonstrations of novel programming
systems; we encourage such demos to include a reflection about their place
in the history of programming environments. LIVE additionally accepts and
welcomes experience reports, literature reviews, and position papers.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/live-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

LPOP (Logic and Practice of Programming)


The goal of the workshop is to bring together the best people and best
languages, tools, and ideas to help improve logic languages for the
practice of programming and to improve the practice of programming with
logic and declarative programming. We plan to organize the workshop around
a number of “challenge problems”, including in particular expressing a set
of system components and functionalities clearly and precisely using a
chosen description language.

We will have invited talks by Adnan Darwiche (UCLA), Leslie Lamport
(Microsoft Research), Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley), and Peter Stuckey (U of
Melbourne). There will be additional presentations and discussion panels on
using well-known description methods and tools. We will aim to group
presentations of description methods and tools by the kind of problems that
they address, and to allow ample time to understand the strengths of the
various approaches and how they might be combined.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/lpop-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

META (Meta-Programming Techniques and Reflection)


The changing hardware and software landscape along with the increased
heterogeneity of systems make metaprogramming once more an important
research topic to handle the associated complexity. Meta’20 workshop aims
to bring together researchers working on metaprogramming and reflection, as
well as users building applications, language extensions, or software tools
using them.

The challenges which metaprogramming faces are manifold. They start with
formal reasoning about reflective programs, continue with performance and
tooling, and reach into the empirical field to understand how
metaprogramming is used and how it affects software maintainability. While
industry accepted metaprogramming on a wide scale with Ruby, Scala,
JavaScript and others, academia still needs to bring it to the same level
of convenience, tooling, and understanding as for direct programming styles.

Contributions to the workshop are welcome on a wide range of topics related
to the design, implementation, and application of metaprogramming
techniques, as well as formal methods and empirical studies for such
systems and languages.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/meta-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

NSAD (Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains)


Abstract domains are a key notion in Abstract Interpretation theory and
practice. They embed the semantic choices, data-structures and algorithmic
aspects, and implementation decisions. The Abstract Interpretation
framework provides constructive and systematic formal methods to design,
compose, compare, study, prove, and apply abstract domains. Many abstract
domains have been designed so far: numerical domains (intervals,
congruences, polyhedra, polynomials, etc.), symbolic domains (shape
domains, trees, etc.), but also domain operators (products, powersets,
completions, etc.), and have been applied to several kinds of static
analyses (safety, termination, probability, etc.) on a variety of systems
(hardware, software, neural networks, etc.). The goal of NSAD workshop is
to discuss work in progress, recent advances, novel ideas, experiences in
the theory, practice, application, implementation, and experimentation
related to abstract domains and/or their combination. This year’s edition
in particular welcomes abstract domains related and/or applied to analyzing
neural networks, dynamical and hybrid systems.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/nsad-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*



Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software
effectively. But programmer effectiveness depends on the usability of the
languages and tools with which they develop software. The aim of this
workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and techniques for evaluating the
usability of languages and language tools. The supposed benefits of
languages and tools cover a large space, including making programs easier
to read, write, and maintain; allowing programmers to write more flexible
and powerful programs; and restricting programs to make them more safe and

Find more details of the PLATEAU workshop at the website:

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/plateau-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*

REBLS (Reactive and Event-based Languages & Systems)


Reactive programming and event-based programming are two closely related
programming styles that are becoming ever more important with the advent of
advanced HPC technology and the ever increasing requirement for our
applications to run on the web or on collaborating mobile devices. A number
of publications on middleware and language design — so-called reactive and
event-based languages and systems (REBLS) — have already seen the light,
but the field still raises several questions. For example, the interaction
with mainstream language concepts is poorly understood, implementation
technology is in its infancy and modularity mechanisms are almost totally
lacking. Moreover, large applications are still to be developed and
patterns and tools for developing reactive applications is an area that is
vastly unexplored.

This workshop will gather researchers in reactive and event-based languages
and systems. The goal of the workshop is to exchange new technical research
results and to define better the field by coming up with taxonomies and
overviews of the existing work.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/rebls-2020

Deadline: *21st August AoE* (extended)

TAPAS (Tools for Automatic Program Analysis)


In recent years, a wide range of static analysis tools have emerged, some
of which are currently in industrial use or are well beyond the advanced
prototype level. Many impressive practical results have been obtained,
which allow complex properties to be proven or checked in a fully or
semi-automatic way, even in the context of complex software developments.
In parallel, the techniques to design and implement static analysis tools
have improved significantly, and much effort is being put into engineering
the tools. This workshop is intended to promote discussions and exchange
experience between specialists in all areas of program analysis design and
implementation, formal methods and static analysis tool users.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/tapas-2020

Deadline: *19th Aug AoE*

VMIL (Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages)


The concept of Virtual Machines is pervasive in the design and
implementation of programming systems. Virtual Machines and the languages
they implement are crucial in the specification, implementation and/or
user-facing deployment of most programming technologies.

The VMIL workshop is a forum for researchers and cutting-edge practitioners
in language virtual machines, the intermediate languages they use, and
related issues.

Call: https://2020.splashcon.org/home/vmil-2020

Deadline: *4th September AoE*



Hitesh Sajnani,

Ph.D. University of California, Irvine

One Engineering System, Microsoft
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