[Haskell] PhD position in Software Language Engineering @ University of Amsterdam

Thomas van Binsbergen l.t.vanbinsbergen at uva.nl
Tue Dec 22 08:30:35 UTC 2020

Hi all,

With this e-mail I would like to draw your attention towards the vacancy "PhD position in Software Language Engineering" that is currently available at the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam (closing date February 15th).


Are you interested in this position? Or do you know someone who might be interested? Please feel free to contact me directly or to forward this e-mail.

The position offers a large degree of freedom and the topic of research can be discussed. 
Potential candidates can send me their own project proposals touching upon one or more of the following topics:

- Modular language definition and implementation in meta-languages, language workbenches and/or host languages for embedded languages
- Component-based language definitions
- Generalized parsing and disambiguation
- (Modular) operational semantics and definitional interpreters
- Rapid prototyping of domain-specific languages
- Development environments for exploratory programming (e.g. notebooks and REPLs)

Relevant terms, techniques, and technologies: attribute grammars, functional programming, (generalized) LL/LR parsing, structural operational semantics, static analyses, term rewriting, compilation, interpretation, language design, modularity, monads, algebraic effects

For information about the offer, the Informatics Institute, and the University of Amsterdam I refer to the vacancy description linked to above.

Kind regards,
Thomas van Binsbergen
Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam
Email: l.t.vanbinsbergen at uva.nl
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lthomasvb

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