[Haskell] Call for Conference Grant Applications (Inclusiveness Target Countries)

Ambrus Kaposi kaposi.ambrus at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 10:38:28 UTC 2019

Call for Conference Grant Applications

The European research network on types for programming and
verification (EUTypes COST Action, https://eutypes.cs.ru.nl) supports
attendance of young researchers presenting work on type theory at
international conferences via travel grants.

The rules are described here: https://eutypes.cs.ru.nl/ConfGrants

The main points are:

 * Only researchers from ITCs participating in the action are
eligible. As of June 2018, the ITCs involved in EUTypes are: Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia.
* Only PhD students and Early Career Investigators (researchers whose
PhD degree is at most 8 years old) are eligible.
 * The grantee must give a talk or present a poster on the topic of type

Applications have to be submitted through the e-COST system:

Please inform researchers in your country who might be interested and
contact me if you have any questions.

Many thanks,

Ambrus Kaposi
EUTypes conference grant coordinator
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