[Haskell] ARRAY 2016: Final call for papers

Clemens Grelck c.grelck at uva.nl
Fri Apr 8 09:52:42 UTC 2016

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                                 ARRAY 2016

                   3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop
                 on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for
                              Array Programming

                           Santa Barbara, CA, USA
                               June 14, 2016


                FIRM DEADLINE: April 11, 2016 (anywhere on earth)


                       ARRAY 2016 is part of PLDI 2016

                   37th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
               Programming Language Design and Implementation
                              June 13-17, 2016




Array-oriented programming is a powerful abstraction for compactly
implementing numerically intensive algorithms. Many modern languages now
provide some support for collective array operations, which are used by an
increasing number of programmers (and non-programmers) for data analysis
and scientific computing.

This workshop is intended to bring together researchers from many different
communities, including language designers, library developers, compiler
researchers and practitioners who are working on numeric, array-centric
aspects of programming languages, libraries and methodologies from all
domains: imperative or declarative, object-oriented or not, interpreted
or compiled, strongly typed, weakly typed or untyped.


Keynote speakers:

We are proud to announce two distinguished keynote speakers:

Bradford Chamberlain
Principal Engineer at Cray Inc, Seattle, USA
Chief designer of the Chapel high productivity language

Morten Kromberg
User Experience Director (CXO) at Dyalog Ltd, Bramley, UK
Commercial provider of APL interpreters, tools and services



The aim of the ARRAY workshop series is to foster the cross-pollination of
concepts across domains, projects and research communities and to explore
new directions, such as:

+ Expanding the scope of array programming to encompass a wider range of
   data types and computations,
+ Transparently utilizing parallel hardware (multi-core, SIMD, GPU, FPGA)
   by leveraging the implicitly parallel semantics of array operations,
+ Simplifying the embedding of array constructs within existing languages
   which weren't designed for numerical computing,
+ Connections between array abstractions and other models such as dataflow
   programming, stream programming, and data parallelism,
+ High-level compilation and optimization techniques for array-oriented
+ Compilers, virtual machines and frameworks for array-oriented programming


Important Dates:

Paper submissions:        Fri, Apr 11, 2016 (anywhere on earth)
Notification of authors:  Wed, Apr 27, 2016
Camera-ready copies due:  Fri, May 27, 2016 (anywhere on earth)
Workshop date:            Tue, Jun 14, 2016



Manuscripts may fall into one of the following categories:

+ research papers on any topic related to the focus of the workshop
+ tool descriptions reporting on a tool relevant to the workshop area

Submissions should be 4-8 pages for research papers 4-6 pages for tool

In the case of a tool description the workshop presentation should include
a demo of the tool, and the submission should include a short appendix
summarizing the tool demo. This appendix is for the information of the PC
only, and will not be part of the published paper, nor does it count into
the six page limit.

Clearly mark your submission as either a research paper or a tool
description in the paper's subtitle.

Submissions must be in PDF format printable in black and white on US Letter
sized paper and interpretable by Ghostscript. Papers must adhere to the
standard SIGPLAN conference format: two columns, nine-point font on a
ten-point baseline, with columns 20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall,
with a column gutter of 2pc (0.33in). A suitable document template for
LaTeX is available at http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/.

Papers must be submitted using EasyChair:


As in previous years, accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital


Keynote by Bradford Chamberlain:

Lessons Learned in Array Programming: from ZPL to Chapel

In this talk, I'll start by providing a review of array programming in ZPL,
an academic data-parallel programming language developed at the University
of Washington during the 1990's.  I'll describe the strengths and weaknesses
of ZPL's support for array computation and describe how the lessons we
learned in the ZPL project influenced Chapel's design and its support for
arrays and data parallelism.  In doing so, I'll provide a glimpse into some
of Chapel's main research challenges and contributions, including
user-defined distributions, parallel zippered iteration, and mapping to
contemporary processor architectures. In doing so, I'll also attempt to
characterize what I view as the key distinctions between successful
languages developed in academia versus industry based on my experiences
with both ZPL and Chapel.


Keynote by Morten Kromberg:

Notation for Parallel Thoughts

Since the original APL\360 interpreter saw the light of day in 1966, a large
part of the of primitive functions in APL (A Programming Language) implicitly
map operations to all elements of array arguments (and arrays of numbers or
characters are the only “types” available in the language). Over the decades,
the parallelism at the core of the notation has been extended, to nested
arrays in the 1980’s and arrays of objects in the 00’s. In this decade,
arrays of futures have been added to provide users of APL with the ability to
express asynchronous -– but deterministic -- algorithms. This talk will
introduce the most important parallel constructs available in current Dyalog
APL, which (despite the name) essentially remains an executable mathematical


Organizing Committee:

Martin Elsman, University of Copenhagen (Chair)
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam (Chair)
David Padua, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andreas Klöckner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Programme Committee:

Robert Bernecky, Snake Island Research, Canada
Martin Elsman, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Chair)
Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands  (Chair)
Laurie Hendren , McGill University, Canada
Stephan Herhut, Google Inc, Denmark
Gabriele Keller, University of New South Wales, Australia
Andreas Klöckner, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (Chair)
Hidehiko Masuhara, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
David Padua, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (Chair)
Mary Sheeran, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Jan Vitek, Northeastern University, USA

Travel Funding:

Since ARRAY 2006 is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, presenters and authors of
papers are eligible to apply for SIGPLAN PAC funding.


Dr Clemens Grelck                                     Science Park 904
University Lecturer                                   1098XH Amsterdam
University of Amsterdam
Institute for Informatics                        T +31 (0) 20 525 8683
Computer Systems Architecture Group              F +31 (0) 20 525 7490

Office C3.105                             staff.fnwi.uva.nl/c.u.grelck

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