[Haskell] Call for papers: PLACES 2016

Dominic Orchard dom.orchard at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 13:53:52 UTC 2015

PLACES 2016 – Call for papers


9th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to
Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software

Co-located with ETAPS 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands


Modern hardware platforms, from the very small to the very large, 
increasingly provide parallel computing resources which software may use 
to maximise performance. Many applications therefore need to make 
effective use of tens, hundreds, and even thousands of compute nodes. 
Computation in such systems is thus inherently concurrent and 
communication centric.

Effectively programming such applications is challenging; performance, 
correctness, and scalability are difficult to achieve. Various 
programming paradigms and methods have emerged to aid this task, 
including structured imperative concurrent programming, stream-based 
programming, parallel skeletons, concurrent functions with asynchronous 
message passing, automatic parallelisation, and the use of types to 
describe communications and data structures (such as session and linear 
types), to name but a few. To fully exploit a (possibly heterogeneous) 
parallel computing environment often requires these approaches to be 
combined, depending on the shape of the data and control flow. All the 
while, the underlying runtime environment must ensure seamless execution 
without relying on differences in available resources such as the number 
of cores.

The development of effective programming methodologies for this 
increasingly parallel landscape therefore demands exploration and 
understanding of a wide variety of foundational and practical ideas. 
This workshop offers a forum where researchers from different fields can 
exchange new ideas on this key challenge to modern and future 
programming- where concurrency and distribution are the norm rather than 
a marginal concern.

Submissions are invited in the general area of programming language 
approaches to concurrency, communication and distribution, ranging from 
foundational issues, through language implementations, to applications 
(such as scientific computing) and case studies. Specific topics 
include, but are not limited to:

* Design and implementation of programming languages with first class 
support for concurrency and communication
* Behavioural types, including session types
* Concurrent data types, objects and actors
* Verification and program analysis methods for concurrent and 
distributed software
* Runtime systems for scalable management of concurrency and resource 
* High-level programming abstractions addressing security concerns in 
concurrent and distributed programming
* Multi- and many-core programming models, including methods for 
harnessing GPUs and other accelerators
* Memory models for concurrent programming on relaxed-memory architectures
* Integration of sequential and concurrent programming techniques
* Use of message passing in systems software
* Interface languages for communication and distribution
* Novel programming methodologies for sensor networks
* Programming language approaches to web services
* Concurrency and communication in event processing and business process 

Papers are welcome which present novel and valuable ideas as well as 

Submissions should be (at most) 6-page extended abstracts in EPTCS 
format and can also include an appendix of up to 4 pages. An abstract 
should be registered via the EasyChair submission site 
(https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=places16) by January 8th with 
the paper submitted by January 15th (anywhere-on-Earth). There will be a 
post-proceedings special issue in JLAMP (Journal of Logic and Algebraic 
Methods) after the workshop which will be open to anyone (with a further 
round of reviewing).

Abstract submission: 8 January 2016
Paper submission:    15 January 2016
Notification:        12 February 2016
Camera-ready copy:   24 February 2016
ETAPS early-registration deadline:  1 March 2016
PLACES workshop:     8 April 2016

Submission deadlines are anywhere on Earth.

Website: http://places16.by.di.fc.ul.pt

Programme chairs: Dominic Orchard, Nobuko Yoshida

Programme committee:
   * Francisco Martins, University of Lisbon
   * Heather Miller, EPFL
   * Fabrizio Montesi, University of Southern Denmark
   * Dominic Orchard, University of Cambridge / Imperial College London 
   * Josef Svenningsson, Chalmers
   * Francesco Tiezzi, University of Camerino
   * Bernardo Toninho, Imperial College London
   * Steven Wright, University of Warwick
   * Nobuko Yoshida, Imperial College London (co-chair)
   * Lukasz Ziarek, University at Buffalo

Organising committee: Simon Gay, Alan Mycroft, Vasco T. Vasconcelos, 
Nobuko Yoshida

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