[Haskell] CFP: 25th Int'l Conf. on Compiler Construction (CC) - *new deadline*

Manuel Hermenegildo manuel.hermenegildo at imdea.org
Tue Nov 3 19:22:02 UTC 2015

[ Please forward. Apologies for any duplicates. ]

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

   25th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2016)

                  March 17-18 2016, Barcelona, Spain
            Co-located with CGO, HPCA, PPoPP, and EuroLLVM

Important dates

  Abstracts due:         23 November 2015 (updated)
  Papers due:            30 November 2015 (updated)
  Author notification:   27 January  2016
  Camera ready versions: 10 February 2016
  Conference:            17-18 March 2016


The  International   Conference  on  Compiler  Construction   (CC)  is
interested in work  on processing programs in the  most general sense:
analyzing, transforming or executing input that describes how a system
operates,  including traditional  compiler construction  as a  special

Original contributions are solicited on the topics of interest which
include, but are not limited to:

- Compilation   and  interpretation   techniques,  including   program
  representation,  analysis, and  transformation; code  generation and
- Run-time techniques, including  memory management, virtual machines,
  and dynamic and just-in-time compilation;
- Programming   tools,   including  refactoring   editors,   checkers,
  verifiers, compilers, debuggers, and profilers;
- Techniques  for   specific  domains,   such  as   secure,  parallel,
  distributed, embedded or mobile environments;
- Design  and   implementation  of   novel  language   constructs  and
  programming models.

CC 2016 is the 25th edition  of the conference.  It will be co-located
with CGO, HPCA, PPoPP, and EuroLLVM on March 17-18 2016, in Barcelona,


Papers   should  be   submitted   electronically   via  EasyChair   at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cc2016.    Papers    must   be
written in English and be submitted  in pdf in ACM SIGPLAN proceedings
format  (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/,  using the  default
9pt font size).  The proceedings will  be published in the ACM Digital
Library and  will be made available  freely for the period  around the

Both regular  papers (up to  11 pages)  and tool papers  (up to 2  + 3
pages), are invited.   In tool papers the first part  (2 pages) should
describe the tool and the second (3 pages) explain the contents of the
demo that will be presented with examples and screenshots.

Submissions  must  adhere  strictly  to  the  page  limits,  including
bibliography, figures,  or appendices.   Submissions that  are clearly
too long  may be  rejected immediately.  Additional  material intended
for reviewers but not for publication in the final version ( listings,
data, proofs) may be included  in a clearly marked appendix. Submitted
papers  must  be unpublished  and  not  be submitted  for  publication
elsewhere.  A  condition of submission  is that, if the  submission is
accepted,  one of  the  authors  attends the  conference  to give  the


General Chair
  Ayal Zaks
  Intel and Technion, Israel

Program Committee Chair
  Manuel Hermenegildo
  IMDEA SW Institute and Technical U. of Madrid, Spain

Program Committee
  Raj Barik, Intel Labs, Santa Clara, CA
  Uday Bondhugula, IIS Bangalore
  Matthew Flatt U. of Utah
  Maria Garzaran, U. of Illinois UC and Intel
  Laurie Hendren, McGill U.
  Manuel Hermenegildo, IMDEA and T.U. Madrid
  Xavier Leroy, INRIA
  Ondrej Lhotak, U of Waterloo
  Francesco Logozzo, Facebook
  Antoine Mine, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
  Jose Morales, IMDEA SW
  Diego Novillo, Google
  Jens Palsberg, UCLA
  Xipeng Shen, North Carolina State University
  Vijay Sundaresan, IBM
  Walid Taha, Halmstadt U.
  Zheng Wang, Lancaster U.

Steering Committee
  Koen De Bosschere, Ghent U.
  Bjoern Franke, U. of Edinburgh
  Michael O'Boyle, U. of Edinburgh
  Albert Cohen, INRIA

Web site

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