[Haskell] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 328
Semen Trygubenko / Семен Тригубенко
semen at trygub.com
Thu May 7 23:29:26 UTC 2015
Calls for Participation
School of Haskell 2.0
Open-source version of School of Haskell is going to be released
soon! Michael Sloan explains that the aim is to remove any
obstacles that historically discouraged people from contributing
to School of Haskell through making it open-source,
Creative-Commons-licensed and GitHub-hosted and more usable by
allowing websites to include editable and runnable Haskell code
with ease. He outlines the plans for the editor and markdown
rendering services and asks for feedback and more ideas.
Functional Programming @ Amplidata
Koen De Keyser gave a talk about Amplidata and their
introduction of OCaml as an alternative to Python/C++ in 2010
and transition from OCaml to Haskell in 2014. He argues that
going strongly-typed and functional meant moving bugs from
test/run time to compile time, gaining expressiveness and
reducing boiler-plate, and switching to Haskell meant joining
larger community, gaining access to commercial support, adding
multi-threaded runtime / garbage collector and enforcing
separation of side effects from pure functions (though ramp-up
time was significant and "tools are nowhere near Java / .NET /
C++ level").
People using Haskell in production: what is your
build/deployment setup?
Jameshfisher asks a number of build/deployment questions on
Reddit, as he is starting a "real" Haskell project. Community
responses suggest that deploying Haskell is no different from
deploying anything else. Haskell-specific parts frequently
feature Cabal, Stackage and Shake.
How to Replace Failure by a Heap of Successes
Edward Kmett writes a blog post on writing parsing combinators.
He explains gains and losses of switching from State monad to
Update monad in parsers, and argues that limited structure of
updates can be exploited to yield a more efficient Applicative
for parsing and help unclutter parser implementation through
better handling of the issue of parse leftovers.
Smarter validation
Roman Cheplyaka explores different ways of handling and
communicating errors in Haskell — Either Monad, Validation
Applicative, and SmartValidation Applicative. Either halts on
first error, Validation Applicative reports all errors, whereas
SmartValidation applicative reports first N errors and stops
doing work when N errors were gathered. Roman wants to hear how
other people are approaching "first N errors" problem.
Haskell Web Server in a 5MB Docker Image
Tim Dysinger solves the problem of redirection of all Amazon
Elastic Load Balancer HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Haskell, in one
hour and 97 lines of code, and produces a 1.22 MB exe. He
argues that Haskell's performance can compete with natively
compiled systems languages like Go, Rust and even hand-written
C, and that Haskell allows to communicate intent in code with
Quotes of the Week
"I like safePerformIO = Just . don't" (sinelaw)
"Interactive Haddocks sounds like a dream." (NihilistDandy)
"Being able to have runnable code on standalone blogs is
huge!" (roche)
"If you want to have a type system related heart attack, the
acme-stringly-typed library provides it." (tsahyt)
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